Mrs. Claus: Dark Skin Tone Emoji Meaning in Yiddish - What it Means? โ ๐คถ๐ฟ
Looking for mrs. claus: dark skin tone emoji meaning in yiddish โ ๐คถ๐ฟ online? This is the place to be. We did our research to help you with that.
What does this ๐คถ๐ฟ emoji mean? Definition and meaning:ืืขื ืขืืึธืืืฉื ืงืขื ืขื ืืืื ืืขืืืืื ื ืฆื ืคืึธืจืฉืืขืื ืคืจืื ืงืืึทืืก ืืื ืึท ืืื ืงื ืืืื ืืึธื. ืขืก ืงืขื ืขื ืืืื ืืขืืืืื ื ืืื ืึทืจืืืงืืขื ืฉืืึทืืืช ืฆื ื ืืื, ืืื ืืึผื ืคืจืืืืขืืงืืึทื ืึธืืขืจ ืฆื ืืืืกืืจืืงื ืืืึทืจืขืืงืืึทื ืืื ืืืืืึทืจืฆืืงืืึทื. ืขืก ืงืขื ืขื ืืืื ืืืื ืืขื ืืฆื ืฆื ืคืึธืจืฉืืขืื ืึท ืืืืึทืืืขื ืคืืืืจ ืืืึธืก ืืื ืงืึทืจืื ื ืืื ื ืขืจืืฉืขืจืื ื.
More details about Mrs. Claus: Dark Skin Tone Emoji Meaning in Yiddish - What it Means? โ ๐คถ๐ฟ
๐คถ๐ฟ can be rendered differently, depending on the device you are using or a platform you are pasting this emoji on. Here are all the possible versions of ๐คถ๐ฟ today.
๐คถ๐ฟ belongs to:
Dark Skin Tone Emojis
Holiday Emojis
Santa's Wife Emojis
Woman Emojis
Mrs Claus Emojis
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