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Related emojis:
couple with heart: man, man, medium skin tone, light skin tone
person with veil: light skin tone
heart hands: light skin tone
child: medium-light skin tone
person taking bath: light skin tone
women holding hands: medium skin tone, light skin tone
woman: light skin tone, curly hair
index pointing at the viewer: light skin tone
man health worker: light skin tone
couple with heart: person, person, light skin tone, medium-light skin tone
woman playing handball: light skin tone
merperson: light skin tone
rightwards hand: medium-light skin tone
men holding hands: light skin tone, dark skin tone
person walking: light skin tone
backhand index pointing down: light skin tone
woman tipping hand: light skin tone
ninja: medium-light skin tone
princess: light skin tone
person shrugging: medium-light skin tone
man kneeling: medium-light skin tone
woman walking: medium-light skin tone
man bowing: light skin tone
woman mage: light skin tone
woman with veil: medium-light skin tone
man in motorized wheelchair: light skin tone
man mechanic: light skin tone
kiss: man, man, light skin tone, medium skin tone
santa claus: light skin tone
woman with headscarf: medium-light skin tone